Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Church kids

What is the point of my ministry? I just have a lot of ideas rolling around in my head and wonder what is the best way to reach Steamboat. I think the churches for the most part are reaching the "church kids" or students who have some kind of church background. So why continue to do things at church? I believe we all need to be a part of a church body but I don't think church activities are going to reach the student population. Am I wrong?

This is how I began a post a while back and never finished. A long while back seeing as I have not lived in Steamboat for almost 2 years. A similar thought continues to roll in my mind as I began David Platt's book Radical this morning. What is the point of church? Why do we gather on Sundays? What does God's Word say? Does the American Church line up with God's Word or has it abandoned "Church" for religion and the American Dream. I have my answers but I don't know that today's American Church would agree, let alone let me try them. I hope to process them as I read Radical.

I look forward to sharing my thoughts as I read and process.

1 comment:

Alden Schoeneberg said...

Kevin, have you finished Radical yet? I'd like to know your thoughts.