Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Exciting Times

As I sit and think about what God has for the future I am excited. Excited for several reasons. First, I believe God is doing something great in my life as well as the life of Hope Valley Church. Secondly, God is going to be honored.

Many have heard me say, "There was a day at the beginning of May that I received three phone calls. Each worse than the previous. Each putting the previous in perspective." Those three calls were, Kevin's cholesterol is through the roof, the Buchaneks may move, and Andy and Brandy's baby girl has a heart defect.

Ya see, I can somewhat control my cholesterol through diet and exercise. It will be a challenge just cause I like to eat. Mama always told me there are two types of people in the world, those who eat to live and those who live to eat. I am in the latter camp, or at least I used to be. I enjoy eating, but my 36 year old body is telling me (or my doctor for my body) I need to take better care of myself. I don't feel that old and that brings me to the second phone call.

It is no longer a possibility, THE BUCHANEKS ARE MOVING, to Hawaii. Why on earth did God take 8 years to bring me to Denver only to move Korey and Heather after being here 8 months? As sad as it is that they are leaving, I believe I have some resemblance of an answer, at least for me. The experiences I have been though, especially the most recent God has done two things. Brought about the understanding of what my gifts are and prepared me to use them. Back to not feeling all that old. I have to shed the excuse of respecting my elders. That may sound a bit crass but here is the reality in my life. I have chosen to follow the leadership of people older or more experienced than me at times when I knew better, because they were my "elder." I mean no disrespect but I believe the call that God has placed on my life is one that surpasses the ranks of age and experience. I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt God needs me to lead His Bride like never before. With that statement I acknowledge that I can't lead from behind the flock. I can't lead where I have not been myself. Which is where the last phone call or actually text comes in.

In a time of crisis for the whole Miller family, God has been good. I have gotten to spend time with each one of my brothers, parents, wife and children in prayer over Baby Girl. (Right now that is what Andy and Brandy are calling her, poor kid will probably grow up with that name.) I don't remember the last time if ever that I prayed with Josh. I find that sad. I have found, and maybe it is just me, God has allowed me to lead my family through this time. I know the pain is still there but I believe without a doubt that God used me to bring words of comfort and affirmation of Jehovah Raffa, God the Healer to my family. Now I get to do that same type of thing for Hope Valley.

I never really put all that together in that way until I started writing a few moments ago. God, You are good!

Here am i. send me

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