Thursday, November 20, 2008

David, Panama

Well I have spent the last few days in David, Panama. I love it here. I can fully expect God to work in miraculous ways. as I say that I know that I do not have those same expectations at home and that is a sin. While here if I just stay out of the way, God moves. It is awesome. This week I got to be a part of some amazing stuff. I saw a public school principal give permission for our team to openly share Jesus, a Panamanian man broken and repentant before God say do as You please with me, the President of David's Chamber of Commerce openly say Christ is good for the workers and in turn good for the companies. I also saw the passion of a fellow Youth Worker, new in the field yet deeply desiring to see God move in the lives of not just his students but their parents and the whole church.
I want for this in Steamboat Springs. Do I have not because I ask not? Life is full of questions, full of wonder. I need now more than ever to daily rely on God. Life is good, but I can not accomplish the tasks before me. I am really realizing my lack of ability to minister. I have told students and believe true service or ministry comes out of the overflow. I have not lived it. 

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